About ECHN

ECHN represents those at the start of their professional careers in hydrogeology, irrespective of age.

Our objectives

  • To promote information sharing possibilities for early career hydrogeologists.
  • To provide support networks for members to discuss and develop ideas or schemes, through web-based forums, meetings, etc.
  • To preserve hydrogeological competence and experience via productive exchanges between junior and senior hydrogeologists.
  • To provide technical training via short-courses, master-classes at conferences and online sessions.
  • To enhance the social and professional networking opportunities of early career hydrogeologists, e.g. by specific events at conferences.
  • To strengthen the status of early career hydrogeologists within IAH by networking at conferences, congresses and within its National Chapters, Commissions and Networks.

Steering Committee

The present structure of the network consists of a Steering Committee, led by a Chairperson and two Co-chairs and Task Teams supported by a Advisory Team formed by previous chair and co-chairs of the network.

To ensure active participation of the ECHN steering committee, members are invited to join the committee for one year as part of the task teams. Following this time, members can reapply if able to continue involvement.

Membership of the steering committee should not be automatically renewed to allow for new member involvement, changing priorities of existing members and also reflect that involvement may be task specific or due to geographical location, e.g. assisting in a specific annual IAH congresses organizing committee.

Aqeela Parker


Aqeela is a Project Hydrogeologist and the Business Unit Leader for the Groundwater Monitoring and Management Department at GEOSS South Africa. She holds an MSc in hydrogeology and is currently pursuing a PhD, focusing on sustainable dewatering and managed aquifer recharge schemes for a mine on South Africa’s West Coast. Her expertise lies in determining natural groundwater sources and flow paths using physical and hydrochemical methods. Her key skills include natural groundwater flow path assessments; groundwater monitoring and management; conducting groundwater geophysical surveys (including Airborne Electromagnetic (TDEM) and Ground Resistivity); stable isotope and radioisotope analysis; and basic geochemical modelling. 

Isadora Aumond Kuhn

Co-chair, BRAZIL

Isadora is a researcher at the Geological Survey of Brazil. She works as regional coordinator of the groundwater monitoring network at southern Brazil. She is a PhD student at Hydraulic Research Institute (Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil), her research is focused on groundwater time series analysis and isotopic geochemistry. She has a bachelor degree in Geology and a MSc with emphasis in geochemistry and lead isotopes.

Eileen Villaseñor


Eileen is a Consultant Hydrogeologist at WSP in the UK. She works on a range of projects focussing on water resources hydrogeology, groundwater abstraction licensing, borehole development, legacy coal mining and the impacts on groundwater resources, and geothermal energy from groundwater sources. Eileen is originally from Texas, USA, and obtained a BSc in Environmental Science from the University of Texas at Austin before undertaking her MSc in Hydrogeology and Water Management at Newcastle University. Before moving to the UK, Eileen worked for the State of Texas’ regulatory body in the management and regulation of natural resources.

Alina Kadhila

Task team, NAMIBIA

Alina is a geohydrologist at Namibia Water Corporation, in Namibia. Her areas of interest are: Integrated and Sustainable Water Resources Management, Water Governance and Diplomacy, Transboundary Cooperation, Gender Mainstreaming in the Water Sector, Youth Empowerment and Sustainable Development in the context of Agenda 30.

Igor Karlović

Task Team, CROATIA

Igor is a postdoctoral researcher at the Croatian Geological Survey and serves as the secretary of the IAH national chapter. His work involves the application of hydrochemical, isotope, and numerical modeling techniques to understand and mitigate environmental issues related to water resources. His research mainly focuses on the interaction between groundwater and surface water, assessing groundwater quantity and quality, and the management and protection of groundwater resources.

Brian Murove


Brian is an early career hydrogeologist with a BSc Honors in Geographical Biogeosciences from the University of Zimbabwe. Having attended University of Birmingham MSc Hydrogeology classes from 2020-2021, l developed interest in numerical modelling, organic and inorganic chemistry as well as remediation of contaminated sites. Currently, l am the Founder and Managing Director of WASADC, which is a regional organisation enhancing water security in Southern Africa.

Stéphanie Musy


Stephanie is a postdoctoral researcher at the University of Basel (Switzerland) focusing on stable and radioactive noble gas tracers in groundwater for the quantification of water masses and energy fluxes in hydrological systems. She is particularly interested in the radioargon and radio krypton isotope methods for groundwater dating applications.
Another essential component of her research involves combining physically based integrated surface-subsurface hydrological models with environmental tracer observations to develop sustainable and resilient climate change adaptation plans for groundwater. She holds a MSc in hydrogeology and geothermics from the University of Neuchatel and a PhD in Climate Sciences from the University of Bern (Switzerland).

Paulo Filipe Silva Borges


Paulo is a PhD researcher in Geology with specialization in Hydrogeology at University of Azores (Portugal). In the insular environment he is using the electric methods of geophysics and programming for modelling the groundwater in volcanic terrains. He holds a MSc in Geosciences with specialization in Environment and Ornament. Is interested in Hydrodynamics of contaminations and saltwater intrusion.


Stefania Stevenazzi

Task team, ITALY

Stefania is a researcher at the University of Naples Federico II (Italy). Her research focuses on groundwater quality, groundwater availability, and groundwater vulnerability assessment, by means of numerical modelling and spatial statistical techniques.

Luis Camilo Suescún

Task team, COLOMBIA

Luis Camilo holds a bachelor’s degree in Civil Engineering and MSc. in Water Resources from National University of Colombia where he obtained a Laureated thesis and international awards. His research was focused on analytic and numerical inverse modeling to estimate seepage flows in deep tunnels. He is currently working as Groundwater modeler in DHI Group developing groundwater flow and transport models in fractured and porous media for underground and mining projects in Latin America. He is representative of IAH-Colombian Chapter and supports the ECH’s expansion in Colombia as a volunteer in activities related to oil&gas industry, water management and transfer groundwater knowledge. His principal interests are Groundwater Modeling, Groundwater Management, Groundwater Quality, Groundwater Governance, and Socio-Hydrogeology.

Ashwani Kumar Tiwari

Task Team, INDIA

Ashwani is an Assistant Professor in the School of Environmental Sciences at Jawaharlal Nehru University (New Delhi, India). His teaching and research areas are hydro-geochemistry, contamination of water resources by geogenic and anthropogenic activities, groundwater-seawater interaction, aquifer vulnerability, mining, water resource management and GIS. Tiwari was a Post-doctoral researcher at DIATI, Politecnico di Torino (Turin, Italy). He was awarded Erasmus Mundus and Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions Scholarships.

Jared van Rooyen


Postdoctoral researcher at Eawag (Switzerland). My primary field of interest is in isotope hydrology with major applications in groundwater vulnerability and sustainability. Other research interests include novel gas tracers in groundwater and managed aquifer recharge.

Klara Zagar


Klara is a PhD researcher at Jožef Stefan Institute (Slovenia). Her research focuses on application of isotopic geochemistry in the field of urban hydrology (from different sources to tap) and is participating in other projects relate to water resources. She completed her master in Geoenvironment and Geochemistry from the University of Ljubljana.


Advisory team



Raquel Sousa

Past co-chair (2016-2020), PORTUGAL

Key research interest: groundwater quality, sustainable development, development and cooperation and groundwater management in low income  countries and rural areas.


Carlos Maldaner

Past chair (2016-2018), CANADA/BRAZIL

Key research interest: flow and contaminant transport characterization in fractured bedrock aquifers.



Viviana Re

Past chair (2013-2016), ITALY

Key research interest: isotope hydrogeology, groundwater quality monitoring, and groundwater management in rural areas, socio-hydrogeology.



Judith Flügge

Past chair (2011-2013), GERMANY

Key research interest: groundwater flow and transport modeling and on long-term safety assessments for nuclear waste repositories.



Matthys Dippenaar

Past Co-chair (2013-2015), SOUTH AFRICA

Key research interest: unsaturated flow and multiphase flow through soils and fractured rock systems and the modelling and conceptualization thereof, as well as urban hydrology and urban water history.


Past Steering Committee members

The ECHN is grateful for all past steering committee members, see all of them here.


How we started

Initial steps towards the formation of this network were taken at the 38th IAH Congress in Krakow (Poland) in September 2010, where the first young/early career hydrogeologists’ session was held. After this meeting a group of nine junior hydrogeologists teamed up to start efforts. In July 2011, the group was officially recognized as an IAH network, and from there ECHN has developed and grown rapidly. Originally intended to support the young hydrogeologists below the age of 35, the network now speaks up for those at the start of their professional careers in hydrogeology irrespective of their age.

ECHN founders (2010)

Judith Flugge (Germany), Mark Cuthbert (UK), Jay Thakur (Germany), Anna Kuczynska (Poland), Grant Ferguson (Canada), Lucy Leyland (UK), Robert Hoogeveen (The Netherlands), Sophie Vermooten (The Netherlands) and Viviana Re (Italy).

Promotional material

The following promotional materials can be used to advertise the ECHN in hydrogeology related events.

ECHN Poster Size A4 English

ECHN Poster Size A4 Spanish

ECHN Business Card